Statement Savings

Easy Access to your Cash

What you get:

  • Earn competitive interest on balances of $100 or more1
    • Tier 1: $100 – $9,999.99
    • Tier 2: $10,000 – $99,999.99
    • Tier 3: $100,000 and above.
  • Waive the $7 quarterly service charge by maintaining a $100 minimum daily balance
    • Service charge is waived for account holders under age 18
  • 6 free withdrawals per quarter; $2 fee for withdrawals in excess thereafter (excluding online and automated transfers)
  • Free anywhere banking services, including:
    • Online banking
    • Mobile banking
    • E-Statements
  • $100 minimum deposit to open

Let's get started!

Statements Savings makes it easy to reach your future goals. Maintain easy access to your cash while earning competitive interest.
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What you need to know:

1The average daily balance is calculated by adding the principal in the account for each day of the period and dividing that figure by the number of days in the period.


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